Project Development
Greenland Anorthosite Mining´s is fast-tracking development of the project according to designated milestones:
The previous license holder Greenland Gold Resources Ltd. (GGR – a Jean Boulle Group company) spent several years exploring for suitable projects in Greenland before locating the Majoqqap Qaava anorthosite deposit in the Fiskenæsset region of southwest Greenland. During 2014-2018 Greenland Gold Resources conducted early surface exploration and test work on anorthosite material with the following key findings:
- Anorthosites from the Fiskenæsset region had higher aluminium content and lower alkali-metal content than other anorthosites not only in Greenland, but also in the rest of the world;
- Based on systematic surface sampling and relevant test work, the anorthosite at Majoqqap Qaava showed especially promising geochemistry and tonnage potential. Furthermore, the deposit was located only 12 km from the ice-free coast of the Fiskenæs Fjord;
- A market scoping study was carried out by the Roskill Consulting Group and TAK Industrial Mineral Consultancy, which confirmed the economic potential of GAM’s anorthosite as feedstock material in a number of industries.
New investors joined the project and the license was transferred from GGR to a newly formed Greenlandic entity, Greenland Anorthosite Mining ApS, as basis for future financing and project development.
- During the summer 2019, a resource definition drilling campaign was carried out by GGR/GAM and an inferred (CIM standard term) mineral resource definition of 21.8 million tons was constructed by SRK Consulting later the same year;
- Initial test work for processing of anorthosite ore was completed with positive results;
- In June 2020, the Company completed a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) on the property;
- Environmental (EIA) and social impact (SIA) assessment studies as well as a navigational survey of the fjord system were initiated in August 2020. These studies will have impact on how to mine and ship the ore in a sustainable and profitable way.
In 2021, GAM commenced the second phase of development, which include activities that are necessary to obtain a mining license by the Mineral Authorities in Greenland. Activities in Milestone 2 includes:
- Completion of the EIA and SIA;
- Conclusive navigational instructions for bulk shipping;
- Final bench and pilot scale test work on ore material;
- Definition of input for project activities to refine and further reduce the risks of the financial projections of the company;
- Establishing first off-take agreements with end-users for supply of a processed anorthosite product;
- Grant of mining license from the mineral authorities in Greenland.
- During the summer 2022, an updated resource definition drilling campaign was carried out by GAM resulting in an indicated/inferred (CIM standard term) mineral resource of 52.5 million tons reported by SRK Consulting UK in 2023;
Once the mining license has been granted, the Company will be able to begin construction of infrastructure and other facilities required for the mining operation. These include:
- A c. 15-17 km haul road from the mine to the coast;
- A processing plant to crush, grind and sort the ore into the desired products;
- Accommodation, storage and warehouses for the mine operation;
- Docking facilities for bulk shipping;
- Additional long-term off-take agreements and optimization of business model.
Commence mining– including a ramp up period before full production once long-term off take agreements are in place.